About ENDE
The European Network of Dental Education (ENDE) is different than anything you are acquainted with.
ENDE is not only about training dentists to master techniques or the proper use of materials and equipment.
The ENDE modules are focused on the foundation of our profession, the intellectual activity that a dental professional is called to perform every time that he/she examines a patient, collects data and elaborates them to formulate one or more therapeutical hypothesis.
Differently from mastering any clinical dental procedure which requires the acquisition of manual skills through training and practice,
the clinician who undertakes the path of learning to formulate a proper treatment plan has to exercise his/her diagnostic and prognostic abilities. The clinician needs to understand that planning a therapy that takes into account all patient-specific variables requires the acquisition of not only a good dose of experience, but also of evidence-based information on the predictability of the different clinical procedures, and an understanding of their correct sequence.
If you are unsure about the approach to have when facing a challenging clinical case or if you often find yourself improvising, ENDE will provide you with a clear roadmap to multidisciplinary treatment planning.
ENDE’s Board is composed by some of the best qualified clinicians, educators and dental technicians in Europe. They are experts in not only creating a proper treatment plan, but also in carrying out comprehensive treatments.
Let them guide you in the interactive process of analysing the patient specific data to determine the most adequate therapeutical path.
We will challenge you!
Countdown to the Congress
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ENDE takes dental education to the next level beyond the master of techniques and the proper use of materials and equipment. The ENDE education modules are focused on the foundation of our profession: to collect enough data and evaluate them to be able to create a proper treatment plan. This requires diagnostic and prognostic skills and often the ability to work multidisciplinary with oral surgeons, orthodontists, periodontists etc. This is where the ENDE education will boost your skills.
Contact Info
Plandent A/S
Jydekrogen 16
DK-2625 Vallensbæk
+45 43 66 44 44
VAT 77557318